Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Do you know your candidates?

Even for those that aren't following the Presidential campaign (despite it still being 17 months away), we already have 16 candidates that have formally declared, and 6 that most likely will declare soon.  As we have covered in previous posts, most of these candidates are pressed to enter due to fund raising concerns, and by waiting too long, they risk being locked out from large donors and the political cash machine.

So, I thought we would do a list of each candidate, with a thumbnail for each (background, claim to fame, etc.) by party (Republican or Democrat), and see if you are able to match the face to each candidate!

These are listed in no particular order.

Republican candidates that have formally declared:

1.)  Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida, son and younger brother of former Presidents.
2.)  Ted Cruz, currently Junior Senator of Texas, born in Canada.
3.)  Rand Paul, currently Junior Senator from Kentucky, son of former Presidential candidate.
4.)  Marco Rubio, currently Junior Senator from Florida, parents immigrated from Cuba.
5.)  Ben Carson, retired surgeon and author.
6.)  Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett Packard, defeated in California Senate race (2010).
7.)  Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, and Presidential Candidate in 2012.
8.)  Rick Santorum, former Senator of Pennsylvania, and Presidential Candidate in 2012.
9.)  George Pataki, former Governor of New York.
10.)  Lindsay Graham, currently Senior Senator from South Carolina.
11.)  Rick Perry, former Governor of Texas, and Presidential Candidate in 2012.
12.)  Donald Trump, Real Estate and Business Executive, television personality.

Republican candidates that most likely will declare:

13.) Scott Walker, current Governor of Wisconsin.
14.) Chris Christie, current Governor of New Jersey.
15.)  Bobby Jindal, current Governor of Louisiana.
16.)  John Kasich, current Governor of Ohio and former Congressman of Buckeye State.

Democratic Candidates that have formally declared:

17.)  Hillary Clinton, former First Lady and former Junior Senator of New York.
18.)  Bernie Sanders, currently junior Senator from Vermont.
19.)  Lincoln Chafee, former Senator and Governor of Rhode Island.
20.)  Martin O'Malley, former Governor of Maryland.

Democratic Candidates that most likely will declare:

21.)  Jim Webb, former Secretary of Navy and Senator of Virginia.
22.)  Joe Biden, current Vice President and former Senator of Delaware.

Now for the quiz - attempt to match each face with the thumbnail attached: 

If you were able to match 15 or more, you are an ace political student and deserve an A.  12-14 is solid B, and for others, well, there are still 17 months to go so plenty of time to study up!


  1. Thanks Tim. I can see this was a lot of work to put together.

    And they all look just a bit like Kevin Spacey.

  2. Hi Janet - the format did not come out perfect, as I attempted to get the photo's a bit smaller/condensed, but then you couldn't really make them out, so I reverted. I liked the Trump photo best, but they not flattering pictures as you note. Thanks for reading.
