Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Confederate flag during campaigns.

Quick question to start off.  Which state flag is this:

Image result for mississippi flag

I don't mean to offend anyone from the great state of Mississippi, but that state actually has the confederate flag INSIDE their flag. 

South Carolina, which of course has been in the news due to recent the racist murders and controversy over having the Confederate flag fly (separately) over the State Capitol, has a much more tranquil flag (White Palmetto tree).

Image result for south carolina flag

Everyone of course is entitled to their own opinions on this, but since South Carolina is an early primary state in the Presidential elections (3rd after Iowa and New Hampshire, and first in the South), it's a critical state.  Many campaigns have come to South Carolina and either rode to victory or folded up after the vote.

Now, and I promise just a few more examples below.  Not picking on the Democrats, but take a look at these election pins from recent campaigns and note the background.

The point here is, most candidates, as we know, pander to their audiences.  Almost without exception, most candidates either skirted the issue of the flag in South Carolina (should it come down), or said the state should decide themselves.

Well, it's now a national issue.  Yes, Walmart, Amazon and others have stopped selling merchandise with the confederate flag on it, but most candidates (with a few exceptions as noted) have not been willing to take this issue head on for fear of alienating the early, critical primary state of South Carolina.

That, finally, appears to be changing.  Most candidates have come out strongly against the appearance in the State Capitol, or anywhere for that matter. 

For a detailed breakdown of where each candidates currently stands on this important issue, please see the attached:


  1. Those pins are very interesting. I wonder how aware the candidates are that these are being produced...

  2. Very interesting post, Tim, and quite some good reporting here in finding those pins. I am sure that the Hillary pins this year will look much, much different...
