Thursday, July 2, 2015

Funniest Campaign Slogans

Politicians, since the beginning of time, have been trying to come up the best avenues to get people's attention.  One particular method, humor, is a tried and true method. 
In doing a bit of research, I came across a few of these examples that are shared below.  Notice, most  of these are from years and years ago, pre the political correctness stage, and pre not print media (TV, internet, blogs, etc.)

In 1928, Al Smith (Governor of New York) had an amusing political slogan against prohibition (prohibition fans were call dry's, opponents were called wets).

Image result for al smith make ur wet dreams come true

Most of us remember that FDR was elected for President four (4) times.  Here was an interesting approach to running against him in 1940 (his third attempt):
Image result for fdr no man is good three times
Finally, Thomas Dewey (also Governor of NY), who unsuccessfully ran twice (1944 and 1948), was a Republican.  If you recall from my earlier posts vis-a-vis political symbols and the use of Elephants and Donkey's, this should resonate:
Image result for thomas dewey keep the ass off the white house grass
While campaigns today are much more difficult on candidates, due to constant monitoring by the press and public, and everything you say will be recorded and posted to Twitter immediately, campaigns are much more careful about taking risks with humor such as the above.
One could never imagine one of today's candidates going with a bumper sticker like the above examples!

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