Thursday, July 16, 2015

Do you need a college degree to be President?

Scott Walker is a rising star in the Republican Party.  Walker formally announced his candidacy earlier this week, which was expected.  Most pundits agree that Walker will be a leading contender for the Republican nomination. 
 Walker is the 47 year old Governor of Wisconsin, where his main claim to fame was his introduction of a budget plan which limited the collective bargaining abilities of most Wisconsin public employees.  Walker faced a huge backlash in Wisconsin from it's public sector, including protests at the Wisconsin Capitol, and survived a recall.  This action, along with tight controls on spending and Walker's push for smaller government has made him a favorite amongst Republican Party Leaders.
Since 1993, he has run in 11 races for state legislature, county executive and governor — including the highly unusual recall election in 2012 — and he has won them all.
So what's missing on Walker's resume?  A college degree.

Image result for scott walker

 Which brings us back to the original question; in this day and age, when most of us are expected to have a college degree, and most employers demand a degree at a minimum, should that requirement be expected for President's?

Walker attended Marquette University, but dropped out prior to his senior year to join the Red Cross.  A noble gesture for sure, but He never returned to finish.

Image result for college degree

 Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg, to name just a few, never completed degrees and went
on to run hugely complex and successful companies, and they seemed to turn out OK. Abraham Lincoln never finished his degree, and most people believe Abe was the greatest president.  However, most people expect the President to have that degree on his/her resume.

 If Walker were to win in 2016, he’d be the first president in more than 60 years without at least a bachelor’s degree.  The last President without a college degree was Harry Truman.  It's been more than three decades since the country has sent someone to the White House who didn't graduate from an Ivy League School.

While most political pundits are mixed on whether this will become a lingering issue, Walker quickly brushed off questions surrounding the lack of degree.

That’s the kind of elitist, government-knows-best, top-down approach we’ve had for years,” Mr. Walker told Fox News’s Megyn Kelly. “I’d rather have a fighter who’s proven he can take on the big government interests and win.”
Of course, we will need to wait and see if this truly emerges as a big issue for Walker.  My guess is, while people do care and would like President's to be highly educated, most will brush off any hesitations and vote for the candidate they like/trust best.

As in all issues with these campaigns, stay tuned................


  1. I had no idea Walker didn't have a college degree. In a way it's actually inspiring, I'm always interested in people who have achieved success without that expected degree to "fall back on". If he makes it into the primaries though, I'm sure people will use this fact against him.

  2. I am from Wisconsin, and what he's doing to higher education in my state is abysmal. I believe he didn't get a degree because he has no respect for education. He has not been a supporter of Wisconsin public school systems or teachers.
    Most people want to see their children educated; he takes a different approach, not having educated himself when he had the opportunity. I don't respect that.
    Perhaps he can get a degree before the primary...hurry up Scott!!

  3. Thanks for your comments - I suspect his lack of degree will begin to heat up as the debates get closer, particularly if He is doing well in polls.
