Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Too many candidates?

Lindsay Graham, current Senator of South Carolina and one of twenty (yes, up to 20) Presidential candidates, was recently asked about the high number of candidates.

Graham had a humorous take; "I do bar mitzvahs, birthday parties, weddings, funerals -- call me, I'll come," Graham told a crowd in New Hampshire last month. He said voters should ignore Hillary Clinton and "look to the 35 people running for president on the Republican side. And just shoot up among us until you get one of us out of the tree."

While this was a witty rejoinder from Graham, it points to an underlying truth, and potentially huge hurdle for these candidates.

Very real and deep challenges lie ahead for Graham and the other candidates as the field continues to expand.  In the Republican field alone, there are sixteen (16) candidates, and in New Hampshire, one of the early primary states, this is creating a vexing issue for voters.

As this recent NY Times article notes voters in New Hampshire are feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of candidates, and often have trouble discerning one from the other.

With the recent decision that only the top ten (10) candidates (based upon polling at the time of the debate) will be nominated to participate in the debates, it has pushed up the calendars for all of the candidates, and overwhelmed many of the voting public.

As this article shows, many of New Hampshire voters are already fatigued by the volume and keeping track of the candidates.

How do you differentiate one from the other?  Are the candidates simply posturing to get attention, or distinguish themselves from others.

It will be most interesting in the days ahead to see if the field narrows...........stay tuned.

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