Sunday, July 12, 2015

Does Bernie Sanders have a chance?

Despite the craziness and large field of candidates in the upcoming presidential election, only one candidate was a sure thing.  Hillary Clinton would surely win the Democratic nomination and go on to face the Republican candidate in the general election.

Yes, there are other candidates in the Democratic field, but none with Her name recognition, war chest, and popularity of being the Former First Lady, Senator from New York, and Secretary of State.  Clinton, after all, has been pointing to this election as perhaps Her last chance to win the Presidency most assumed She would ascend to.

That is, until Bernie Sanders emerged.

Image result for bernie sanders

Who is Bernie Sanders?  Sanders is a 2-term Senator for Vermont, where He served in the House for 16 years prior to his Senate service.  Sanders is listed as a Democrat, but labels himself as a democratic socialist.

Why is Bernie Sanders message resonating with voters, at least in this early election cycle?   Sanders main message has been around a topic that is increasingly striking a chord with voters, that of income inequality.  This has been a topic Sanders had been pushing for some time, so it's not a new issue for him (as it is for others, including Clinton).  Sanders simply believes the gap between the highest and lowest earners in America is too large and growing.  He seeks relief through taxes and other income related programs.

Sanders pushed hard against the bank bailout in 2008-2009, and has generally been a friend of the shrinking middle class.  Sanders has also announced (at least for now), that He will not be seeking any campaign money from PAC's.  These are  positions much different than his competitors, from both parties, thus, they are unique positions.

So, back to the original topic, does Sanders have a chance? 

It will be a long shot for sure, but with portions of America growing increasingly concerned with the issues listed above, and feelings that Clinton is more of an establishment candidate, there is a narrow path for Sanders. 

It certainly makes life more interesting when He is around, whether you agree with him or not!

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